Let me put the context which led me storm my mind to accentuate my thoughts to meander through future. This was an assignment to us by our leadership faculty who asked us to bring into present your aspirations of future. Though these are merely a thought process to glance into future and my dreams about what I want to be with my efforts of present. But let me tell you that there are all sorts of possible chances that my these dreams will certainly get true some day, yes certainly if I put my heart out to bring these imaginings into reality. In this imaginary tale I was asked to think five years ahead of today and describing state of affairs where I am studying about myself in a magazine of my choice about the situation when I have achieved something big and am celebrating this moment of success of mine. Let’s journey through my future.......................................
Here we present before you another success story of an optimistic manager, a leader, a kind hearted but a true professional; these are few words to describe his personality. Here we bring you the autobiography of Mr Kaisar Ali, Marketing Head- North, Coca Cola India, in this edition of Forbes. He found some time to pen down his thoughts recently when he was in-charged up with his recent designation. Here it goes;
Moments of success often comes in bits and pieces for some while as a windfall for others. For some it is achieved through roller coaster ride while for others it runs through smooth journey. But for me it has been a mixed bag of all the alternatives. The nostalgia has certainly enveloped me today, when I count upon the days through which I have cruised through to reach this moment of success commemoration- that is I am celebrating today being the Marketing Head of Coca Cola India (North).
The day has turned out which I have been dreaming of, today I command a respectable position in organization of my dream. This has certainly come after crossing many challenging thresholds of my life’s hurdle, hurdles at places which led to a complete stoppage. Crossing through the dialectics of life was never simple. Today when I enjoy the day with my loved ones, my family, my friends and all colleagues and all those people who have been a source of inspiration and co-operated me in reaching to this height, I find things were never simple and today same is true when I try to foresee future which again is going to be very challenging and task driven which would involve and strain me to best of my capabilities. As everybody know that with big powers comes the big responsibilities. I remember the day when I started my career as a Business Development Executive in Value-On-Web, a website developing company, in Delhi, though the company was small but my dreams were always big and aspirations were at the pinnacle, which certainly has helped me getting through all the hurdles to reach this present summit of success, and reason I could achieve so much so fast.
Critical Decisions:
These successes could be achieved owing to many critical decisions that I had to take while undergoing the rigour of Life and Career. The hurdles that I traversed were related to taking care of the politics and bureaucracy of the organization, long hours of work and remaining away of the home were taking toll on the personal arena of my life. My home relations were turning up awry and at time journey of my life- personal and professional, were taking an odd shape.
This was the phase when I had to take critical decisions which cumulates prioritising among personal and professional duties. I had to prioritize my concerns and set a balance between family and career. I established best of the network of dealers for my next company that I joined post PGDM, which was a FMCG company, from there my career graph started to rise. I developed ways and tactics through which my organization could grow and also ensured my acceptance with great respectability among my superiors and colleagues.
This came out to be a turning point of my career, taking care of these critical success factors it would have been possible for my career to ladder up with extreme rapidity. Thereafter I led many crucial situations, where I showed my leadership quality and helped my organisation to bail out from the situation, which not only caused my organisation to typically take care of situation but also to remain unaffected out of same. Among other major organisational decisions I prevented my organisation from making any kind of retrenchment even at the times of recession; in fact with the same human resources I turned around my organisation’s face.
My Future:
In coming five years I am determined about my path and destination that is to reach CEO position of COCA COLA, through successfully analyzing the environment and constraints. In next five years I will bring myself on international platform and will be executing my responsibilities towards my company, family and country. And, there my leadership qualities will help me executing these dreams.